What is needed?
An initial investment of $150,000, which will yield at least $6,000 annually to support awards (in keeping with current yearly award totals).
How is the scholarship currently funded?
By annual gifts to the Eisenhower College Alumni Association (ECAA) designated for this purpose. Dues are not used to support this program.
Why change to an endowed scholarship?
A permanent endowment will ensure the memory of our small college, as well as us, its alumni. This fund will outlive our existence and continue to positively impact future generations of students.
How and who will facilitate the annual awards/endowment?
The ECAA will continue to oversee yearly awards until such time as the organization is no longer able to do so. The Central New York Community Foundation will be responsible for managing the endowment and will assume responsibility for scholarship awards upon the dissolution of the ECAA.
Will my gift be tax deductible?
YES! And funds given/pledged to the Eisenhower College Legacy Scholarship will only be used for this stated purpose. They will, in no way, support operational expenses of the ECAA.
Who is overseeing planning and the fundraising campaign?
The Eisenhower College Legacy Scholarship Steering Committee:
Michael DiPietro ’83 William F. Grant II ’75 Pamela Romeo Havens ’78 Michael Magoon ’81 Susan M. Schwartz ’77 Stephen Van Arsdale ’81 Nancy Fromer Wilson ’78